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Monday, February 29, 2016

This dish is called "Curry in a Hurry," but I enjoyed it so much that I would call it, "Hurry with the Curry."

If you are a curry lover, try this for your next meal.  Some people just don't like curry and I can't fathom how they could not since I have a tendency to crave the stuff.

I followed the recipe exactly as is, except for adding frozen chicken that I had from when I made roasted chickens (pg. 168).  It was delicious!  It is a quick one so it makes for a good "go-to" recipe to make when you are crunched for time.
Curry in a Hurry
If you have any chicken broth left from the roasted chicken meal, it would be very beneficial to replace the water with broth to add a little more depth to the flavor that water doesn't provide.

If you follow the symbols in the book this is an "S" meal which means it is satisfying.  Today was a full day of THM eating to make up for many splurges from the weekend (my dad-in-law turned       72 -- Happy Birthday, Dad!).

Yes, this is going to be a regular meal for me!  Quick, healthy, and flavorful.  Why would anyone ever want to eat canned soup?   Hurry with the curry, please!

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)


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