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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Good Girl Moonshine, Pumpkin Pie Sip, Earth Milk Sip
I am quickly finding out that the all-day sippers are those go-to drinks that help keep your palette happy through the day and helps prevent grazing on snacks.  There are enough sippers to choose from to satisfy your own personal needs or if you're simply looking for a sipper that reflects the current season that you are enjoying.

I shared with a neighbor friend the "Shrinker," "Good Girl Moonshine," "Pumpkin Pie Sip," and the "Earth Milk Sip."  No two sippers will ever be the same.  These truly need to be adjusted to your own likes and needs and that is what the THMs mean by "owning it."  There are so many versions of each of these sippers.  Part of the fun among fellow Mamas is to share their own favorite version.

In a couple of my previous posts (on February 1 and 16) I shared my first experience with a sipper that is still one of my favorite all-day sippers and popular among fellow Mamas called the "Shrinker." I noticed immediately my sense of wanting to snack had changed and subsided a bit while sipping on this.  When I started to read more about the sippers I began to realize that was it's intended purpose to begin with.  Mission accomplished THMs!

Clockwise from top: Earth Milk Sip, Good Girl Moonshine, Pumpkin Sipper, and Shrinker
Another very popular sipper that you will hear about often is the "Good Girl Moonshine," often abbreviated, GGMS on the support pages for THM.  This sipper is power-packed with turmeric, and certainly does make you want to shout, "Eeee Ahhh!" as THMs suggests it would!

I was looking forward to trying the "Pumpkin Sipper," because even though we are past autumn and experiencing a very mild winter, I just can't miss out on the flavor of pumpkin and was craving it.  And, this sipper actually does have pumpkin in it.  You can sip on it hot or cold and it is a perfect fall/winter sipper.

The most interesting sipper, in my opinion, is the "Earth Milk Sip" which is filled with baby greens mixed with oolong tea and cinnamon.  It does include stevia extract, but I would encourage you to add truvia to taste.  My friend's husband enjoyed this one so much I left a quart jar filled for him.  He insisted that he would be able to finish it that evening.  That's a pretty strong vote for approval.

Be prepared to adjust flavors to "own it."  Made with tasty ingredients that are known to increase thermodynamics and are packed full of flavor, these sippers will be your number one helpful tool to help curb any snack grazing you might want to do.

Be healthy and strong,
Chris :)


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