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Friday, February 5, 2016

I didn't realize at the time, but "Singing Canary Shot" is a stronger version of "Singing Canary" that I didn't see until after the fact.  It is called a "shot" because it is a quick way to get your daily dose of turmeric. 

With that being said, if you are not accustomed to turmeric, tread with caution.  This baby is potent! In a good way.  I do like turmeric and like the idea of getting a quick dose of it for all it's benefits.  You can find many of the benefits posted on pinterest along with many recipes.  Here's one to get you started:  Turmeric

I made two versions of this (only because I didn't know it was met as a shot until it was too late).  The photo on the left is the Canary shot in all it's turmeric glory.  The photo on the right was my version after I "doctored-up" the recipe.  "Doctored-up"  is a term my mother-in-law use to use all the time and it simply meant she was adding her own personal touches to a recipe.

I will make this again for a quick "shot" but I am looking forward to trying the original Singing Canary.

Have a nice weekend!

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

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