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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

EGGS & AVS (pg. 245)
Ideally I like to post 2-3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).  When I am ahead of schedule things run smoothly.  Since today is Tuesday, that should be an indicator of my life running slightly behind.

It's my fault.  I began a book club and I put off reading the book until last minute.  As a result, I spent most of my Super Bowl weekend reading a book from cover to cover.  Mission accomplished!  The book is called "Reading Lolita in Tehran," and it was worth the weekend crunch imposed on myself.  In just a few hours I am going to meet with some nice ladies and discuss the book.

Eggs and Avs
I would like to mention the breakfast I have most mornings.  It is a pretty typical breakfast for many homes.  However, this has some slight differences that I have adapted since embracing the Thin Healthy Mama (THM) diet.

In the past, I would enjoy scrambled eggs with toast.  And, if I made fried eggs it usually would be with toast (with butter and jam).

Eggs and Avs
However, after trying fried eggs with avocado I ask myself, "Why didn't I think of this sooner?"  These are just plain ol' fried eggs, but when you drizzle them with extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO -- an official term originated by Rachael Ray) and top with parmesan and nutritional yeast, which adds a nutty, cheese flavor, the avocado is just butter on the plate (a.k.a. icing on the cake).

Please don't let me run out of avocados.  It's my breakfast most mornings now and it isn't the same without avocados.

Enjoy your week.

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

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