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Wednesday, February 3, 2016


ATTENTION SWEET TOOTH ENTHUSIASTS! Next time you are tempted by that cookie or brownie in your home this is the drink to go to.

First of all, DO NOT ALLOW cookies or brownies in your home.  And, if you can't do that, designate everyone in your house to take what sweets they want, hide it in a safe place, and threaten whatever sweets are left behind will be thrown away (or eaten, whichever one comes first).

I have an incredibly sweet tooth.  I love sweets!  I am tempted by sweets!  And, I do have rules about certain foods that are not allowed in the home (that doesn't mean they don't find their way in, it just means that if they do make there way into my home, it's usually not my doing).

A very huge no-no in my home is Oreos (and any other products comparable to Oreos).  Absolutely do not bring them around me. I tell myself I will just have a couple (and I am convinced I have enough self-control to accomplish this) and before I know it, I've scarfed a whole row.  When remorse kicks in I find myself pleading for forgiveness from myself and my Heavenly Father.

For the sake of this blog, and my love for sweet tooth comrades, I am going to begin a list of "Safe Sweets List" just for all the other "Sweeties" out in the "blog world."

1. Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie

Now, as good as this list will be, it's not meant to be abused.  When something makes it to the "Safe" Sweets List" its main purpose is to help kill that sweet tooth.  It will be safer than a whole row of Oreo cookies, brownies, or chocolate chip cookies, or whatever you might be craving for that day.  And, it will be filling and satisfying.  I believe the Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie meets that criteria.


Stay healthy & strong,
Chris :)


  1. How do I get the recipe? It sounds great!

    1. This is one my son asks for regularly. It has cream cheese and cottage cheese in it also. I'll bring the recipe to you tomorrow.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. Oh, I can manage that. Let me see if I have the ingredients stocked and I'll bring one by today. :)
