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Monday, February 29, 2016

This dish is called "Curry in a Hurry," but I enjoyed it so much that I would call it, "Hurry with the Curry."

If you are a curry lover, try this for your next meal.  Some people just don't like curry and I can't fathom how they could not since I have a tendency to crave the stuff.

I followed the recipe exactly as is, except for adding frozen chicken that I had from when I made roasted chickens (pg. 168).  It was delicious!  It is a quick one so it makes for a good "go-to" recipe to make when you are crunched for time.
Curry in a Hurry
If you have any chicken broth left from the roasted chicken meal, it would be very beneficial to replace the water with broth to add a little more depth to the flavor that water doesn't provide.

If you follow the symbols in the book this is an "S" meal which means it is satisfying.  Today was a full day of THM eating to make up for many splurges from the weekend (my dad-in-law turned       72 -- Happy Birthday, Dad!).

Yes, this is going to be a regular meal for me!  Quick, healthy, and flavorful.  Why would anyone ever want to eat canned soup?   Hurry with the curry, please!

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)


Thursday, February 25, 2016


Wonder Wraps
I didn't feel like cooking yesterday, so I thought I would get the wonder wraps made in advance to save time on my meal the following day.  Little did I know I was getting myself into a major project.  It wasn't going to be a breeze like I thought.

I'm going to say at the start, be sure to use a non-stick pan.  I started with a cast iron, moved on to stainless steel, and ended up with my non-stick pan.  I used coconut spray for each one, including the non-stick pan.

Wonder Wraps

The THMs recommended watching their video online for instructions, but I couldn't find it.  But,  you can watch Indigo Nili's Review at youtube for an extra dose of encouragement and instruction (I almost gave up, but if she can do it, I can too!).  While you're on youtube, make sure you peruse through the wealth of videos others have made with regards to THM.  It is very helpful and interesting.

Ingredients for Wonder Wraps

I eventually finished my wraps and put them in the fridge for my meal the next day.

Enchilada Wonder
I found this meal was actually easy to put together as long as the wraps are done ahead of time.  If you don't want to make wraps you certainly can use "on-plan" tortilla shells.  And, it turns out, it is tasty.

Enchilada Wonder

This meal turned out good despite the learning curve to making the wonder wraps.  I will make the wraps again since I now know how to make them and, I suspect, it will be much more easier and quicker.

It is recommended in the book to make the family-size version at the beginning of the week to use wraps with fillings such as avocados with tomatoes, meat, or other favorite fillings.

If I don't have time to make wraps that won't stop me from making the casserole with store-bought tortillas.  It is a worthwhile Mexican dish.

If you want to make the wraps, please plan on experimenting on a day where there is no pressure, you're not tired, and you are looking forward to spending a little extra time in the kitchen. 

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Good Girl Moonshine, Pumpkin Pie Sip, Earth Milk Sip
I am quickly finding out that the all-day sippers are those go-to drinks that help keep your palette happy through the day and helps prevent grazing on snacks.  There are enough sippers to choose from to satisfy your own personal needs or if you're simply looking for a sipper that reflects the current season that you are enjoying.

I shared with a neighbor friend the "Shrinker," "Good Girl Moonshine," "Pumpkin Pie Sip," and the "Earth Milk Sip."  No two sippers will ever be the same.  These truly need to be adjusted to your own likes and needs and that is what the THMs mean by "owning it."  There are so many versions of each of these sippers.  Part of the fun among fellow Mamas is to share their own favorite version.

In a couple of my previous posts (on February 1 and 16) I shared my first experience with a sipper that is still one of my favorite all-day sippers and popular among fellow Mamas called the "Shrinker." I noticed immediately my sense of wanting to snack had changed and subsided a bit while sipping on this.  When I started to read more about the sippers I began to realize that was it's intended purpose to begin with.  Mission accomplished THMs!

Clockwise from top: Earth Milk Sip, Good Girl Moonshine, Pumpkin Sipper, and Shrinker
Another very popular sipper that you will hear about often is the "Good Girl Moonshine," often abbreviated, GGMS on the support pages for THM.  This sipper is power-packed with turmeric, and certainly does make you want to shout, "Eeee Ahhh!" as THMs suggests it would!

I was looking forward to trying the "Pumpkin Sipper," because even though we are past autumn and experiencing a very mild winter, I just can't miss out on the flavor of pumpkin and was craving it.  And, this sipper actually does have pumpkin in it.  You can sip on it hot or cold and it is a perfect fall/winter sipper.

The most interesting sipper, in my opinion, is the "Earth Milk Sip" which is filled with baby greens mixed with oolong tea and cinnamon.  It does include stevia extract, but I would encourage you to add truvia to taste.  My friend's husband enjoyed this one so much I left a quart jar filled for him.  He insisted that he would be able to finish it that evening.  That's a pretty strong vote for approval.

Be prepared to adjust flavors to "own it."  Made with tasty ingredients that are known to increase thermodynamics and are packed full of flavor, these sippers will be your number one helpful tool to help curb any snack grazing you might want to do.

Be healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Stocks & Broths
This is a very green soup!  I think it's green enough to scare most of the people most of the time, except for Popeye and, let's face it, he's an animation!

Popeye's Power Soup
There are many plus sides to this soup.  It's spinach and if you like spinach you will love this recipe. It is a "Fuel Pull" (FP) soup with many the vitamins and minerals necessary to keep your energy high while still remaining low in fat and carbs.

If you like to be very purposeful about what you eat this soup can help you out.  For example, I am usually always seeking out iron, and if for some reason I feel like I need a major iron boost, I will very intentionally make this to encourage that boost to my system for it's iron-rich qualities.

Unlike the last two soups I blogged about, this one doesn't require a chicken broth or stock so it is a quick recipe.  Which leads me to the next subject I would like to divulge in a bit more.

Stocks & Broths
There are some additional things I would like to mention about stocks and broths for those of you who might be unfamiliar.

A good example of a broth is when you (or someone else) cooks a turkey for Thanksgiving.  After the turkey has been roasting and comes out of the oven there are lots of juices at the bottom of the pan.  If you drain those juices into a measuring cup, that is considered broth.  As the broth sets in the measuring cup you will see a slight surface building up that is darker in color.  That is fat separating from the juices and you can skim that off.  Broth is simply the juices from BOTH the meat and bones of the turkey (or meat, chicken, fish, etc.). In the case of turkey, I use those juices to make the best gravy ever! Or, you can save it and use it in soup recipes that call for stock/broth.

After you remove most of the meat from the bones, the carcass (bones) is what remains.  Put the carcass in a crock pot or large pot with just enough water to cover the bones (and some vegetables and seasonings if you like) and about a 1/2 cup of vinegar.  Let it cook for up to 5 hours.  When it's done cooking you drain EVERYTHING from the juices using cheese cloth or a couple paper towels in a strainer.  Save the juices and that is considered stock because it's made with just the bones and not the meat.

If you put that stock/broth in the refrigerator you will find something interesting happens that doesn't happen to store-bought broths.  It starts to firm up in a similar way to which gelatin would firm up.  That is due to the collagen that is found in broth/stock that has been pulled from the cartilage in the bones (the vinegar helps with this process).  This is simply pure goodness and is highly desirable for it's health benefits and flavor.

"Liquid Gold"
As of today, I call my homemade stocks and broths "Liquid Gold." A term I borrowed from Bone Broth Diet book. It is a very interesting read if you want to know more about broth.  While I'm not personally endorsing any diet (including THM), I consider the information in both books very valuable.  Some of the benefits of bone broth according to Dr. Kellyann in the Bone Broth Diet book, is it's packed with collagen, detoxifies the body, is anti-inflammatory,  heals your gut and joints.

If you read "Serene Chats" for the "Purist Bone Stock" on pg. 495 of THMs' book, Serene says, "Hardly any as dirt...better than any expensive health food supplement!"  If you like what she has to say about stock, be sure to turn to the next page (496) to read "Pearl Chats" and her perspective on stock.

After a little research, I did find you can purchase good-quality bone broth online with different seasoned flavors. Of course, anything you don't do yourself starts to come at a cost.  However, for those with the cash, but not the time, you may want to check out sites similar to Bare Bones Broth.  I personally will continue to make my own since it really doesn't take much effort, just planning.

You do not need to make your own broth, I just wanted to make sure to emphasize the benefits in case you feel it's for you.  Some may consider broths and stocks a current trend, however, I would argue that if that's the case, it's the trend that Great Grandma started back when people still valued home-cooked meals.  If getting "back to basics" becomes trendy then it is one of those few trends that I hope has staying power for a very long time.

I am in denial and don't wear my reading glasses even when I probably should.  Instead of adding 1/4 cup of nutritional yeast, I accidentally added 3/4 cups (oooopsie).  It turned out to be a happy accident, but a bit more than the recipe asked for. :)

Stay healthy and strong!
Chris :)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

OK, before I start this blog I just want to say:


Now that we got that out of the way,

Olive Garden.  It's a phone number I have in my cell phone directory.  You just never know when you may need some soup and salad.  I LOVE THE ZUPPA!

I once posted on facebook that I knew I was spending too much time at Olive Garden when the employees started calling me by my first name and wanting to know, "What's up?"  After that post, a very kind friend shared the recipe with me.  Yes, I have made it plenty of times!  And, making your own food is a huge money saver.

.Trim Zuppa Tuscana
So, are the THMs going to do me right by this recipe?  THEY SURE ARE!  Love this and will be making it many times and over again!  Just go in knowing that you will be sacrificing the potatoes for cauliflower which, in my opinion, is not much of a sacrifice at all.

My friend has been helping me with reviewing the soups for this week and this was her response:

I used my own broth and I believe it made a wonderful difference!  I used only half of the Kale required on the recipe.  This is a nice large serving to make for any party and everyone will love ya for it!  Tomorrow I will be talking more about broth. 

 I sense a Survivor party coming and this soup will be making an appearance!

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


If you are a fan of the comedy sitcom, "Seinfeld" you will quickly recognize that quote from the show.  One of my absolute favorite episodes is with the notorious "Soup Nazi."

Me and my hubby were fortunate enough to visit New York City, without kids for one of our anniversaries.  I don't know if it was because we didn't have the kids, or if it was because of the New York atmosphere, or a little bit of both, but we had a blast!  I don't think we've been able to top that year's celebration to date.

My hubby in the "Soup Nazi's" line.
Yes, we did all the "touristy" things.  We went to see the Statue of Liberty, the Charging Bull on Wall Street, 30 Rock building, and Times Square. We experienced the subways, Macy's, Rockefeller Center, and so on and so forth.  However, one of my favorite parts of the visit was getting a on-hands experience of the "Soup Nazi" soup.  If I remember correctly, the serving bowls, or cups, said something on the order of, "The soup that made Seinfeld famous."  Too, funny!

 I must say, after our visit, I truly do love New York!

This week will be all about SOUP and I have enlisted one of my friendly neighbors to help in the reviews by sharing her thoughts.

The first soup this week is called, "Just like Campbell's Tomato Soup."  As the name suggests, it's suppose to taste like the long-standing and popular "Campbell's Tomato Soup."  Probably one of America's favorite comfort foods, Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich.

Just Like Campbell's Tomato Soup & The Shrinker

I didn't want to come out and tell my friend it's suppose to taste like Campbell's Soup, but with a little prodding I asked, "Does it remind you of any other soup?"  Her response was, "I have really only had canned tomato soup before, so it definitely didn't taste like that. It was really good."  She also said her daughter enjoyed it with some Parmesan sprinkled on top.  I added chicken to mine.

When I did tell her it was suppose to taste like Campbell's Soup she said it tasted similar, but there was a spice or something that made it a little different.  I did alter the ingredients very slightly since the THMs always encourage "owning it" by adding seasoning to your own personal taste.  So, I suggested perhaps if I left it alone it would have tasted the same.  My friend said it was much better than Campbell's since that version is usually a little bland.  So, perhaps, this would be better named, "Very much like Campbell's Soup, but even better."

This soup was made with homemade broth that I prepared in advance when I cooked up the "Super Prepared Roasted Chicken" recipe (see my post from January 2016) which is quite possibly why it tasted so good!  I will be talking a little bit more about broth in the next couple posts so you will want to be sure to check those out.

It takes all of two minutes to gather your ingredients.  All of one minute to measure and dump ingredients into pan. And, then about 5-10 minutes to warm.  The three extra minutes it takes compared to preparing Campbell's Soup is time well spent with healthier benefits of being fresher and having less salt.  I will definitely be making this soup again (and with homemade broth whenever possible).

Stay healthy and strong!
Chris :)

Friday, February 12, 2016

LAZY LASAGNA (pg. 140)
Today I had the pleasure of having a neighbor friend to share Lazy Lasagna and a chocolate fat-stripping frappa with (featured in my last post) .  Food is always just a little extra special when you have a friend(s) to share it with.

Lazy Lasagna & Chocolate fat-stripping Frappa
What makes this a "lazy" lasagna is, coincidentally, the very same thing that makes it a low-carb pasta to cook.  The substitute to the lasagna layer is a spinach layer.  Seasonings in this dish includes oregano, onion powder, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper.  The cheesy flavor in this dish comes from cream cheese, cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese and Parmesan mixed with a couple eggs.  The combined flavors create a delicious and flavorful lasagna that will happily fill in as a healthy, low-carb version of lasagna that I can be happy with.

Lazy Lasagna
My friend and I enjoyed this version and were content in taking second helpings.  My friend's comments and my hubby's comments paralleled in that that both felt there was too much spinach and they would prefer a little less.  Since I fight an ongoing battle with anemia, I am happy to keep as much spinach on this as possible to increase my iron intake.

I would make this dish again especially if I'm craving Italian.

If you decide to make this dish, just be sure that the spinach is fully defrosted and you squeeze as much water out of it as possible to avoid extra liquid in the dish.

I also would maintain my iron-rich spinach on one side of the pan and hold back some spinach for those who do not want too much spinach.


Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Calling all sweet-tooth comrades and all the "sweeties" of the blogging world. Here is another drink to help curb your sweet tooth in the most delightful way that takes the form of a "frappa."

This chocolate fat-stripping frappa is much more chocolaty than it appears in the photo.  The THMs have included three other variations of the already-done-right-the-first-time blend in case you want to switch it up a bit.

If you happen to be in the neighborhood, I will be more than happy to make one up for you. Delicious!

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

EGGS & AVS (pg. 245)
Ideally I like to post 2-3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).  When I am ahead of schedule things run smoothly.  Since today is Tuesday, that should be an indicator of my life running slightly behind.

It's my fault.  I began a book club and I put off reading the book until last minute.  As a result, I spent most of my Super Bowl weekend reading a book from cover to cover.  Mission accomplished!  The book is called "Reading Lolita in Tehran," and it was worth the weekend crunch imposed on myself.  In just a few hours I am going to meet with some nice ladies and discuss the book.

Eggs and Avs
I would like to mention the breakfast I have most mornings.  It is a pretty typical breakfast for many homes.  However, this has some slight differences that I have adapted since embracing the Thin Healthy Mama (THM) diet.

In the past, I would enjoy scrambled eggs with toast.  And, if I made fried eggs it usually would be with toast (with butter and jam).

Eggs and Avs
However, after trying fried eggs with avocado I ask myself, "Why didn't I think of this sooner?"  These are just plain ol' fried eggs, but when you drizzle them with extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO -- an official term originated by Rachael Ray) and top with parmesan and nutritional yeast, which adds a nutty, cheese flavor, the avocado is just butter on the plate (a.k.a. icing on the cake).

Please don't let me run out of avocados.  It's my breakfast most mornings now and it isn't the same without avocados.

Enjoy your week.

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Friday, February 5, 2016

I didn't realize at the time, but "Singing Canary Shot" is a stronger version of "Singing Canary" that I didn't see until after the fact.  It is called a "shot" because it is a quick way to get your daily dose of turmeric. 

With that being said, if you are not accustomed to turmeric, tread with caution.  This baby is potent! In a good way.  I do like turmeric and like the idea of getting a quick dose of it for all it's benefits.  You can find many of the benefits posted on pinterest along with many recipes.  Here's one to get you started:  Turmeric

I made two versions of this (only because I didn't know it was met as a shot until it was too late).  The photo on the left is the Canary shot in all it's turmeric glory.  The photo on the right was my version after I "doctored-up" the recipe.  "Doctored-up"  is a term my mother-in-law use to use all the time and it simply meant she was adding her own personal touches to a recipe.

I will make this again for a quick "shot" but I am looking forward to trying the original Singing Canary.

Have a nice weekend!

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


ATTENTION SWEET TOOTH ENTHUSIASTS! Next time you are tempted by that cookie or brownie in your home this is the drink to go to.

First of all, DO NOT ALLOW cookies or brownies in your home.  And, if you can't do that, designate everyone in your house to take what sweets they want, hide it in a safe place, and threaten whatever sweets are left behind will be thrown away (or eaten, whichever one comes first).

I have an incredibly sweet tooth.  I love sweets!  I am tempted by sweets!  And, I do have rules about certain foods that are not allowed in the home (that doesn't mean they don't find their way in, it just means that if they do make there way into my home, it's usually not my doing).

A very huge no-no in my home is Oreos (and any other products comparable to Oreos).  Absolutely do not bring them around me. I tell myself I will just have a couple (and I am convinced I have enough self-control to accomplish this) and before I know it, I've scarfed a whole row.  When remorse kicks in I find myself pleading for forgiveness from myself and my Heavenly Father.

For the sake of this blog, and my love for sweet tooth comrades, I am going to begin a list of "Safe Sweets List" just for all the other "Sweeties" out in the "blog world."

1. Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie

Now, as good as this list will be, it's not meant to be abused.  When something makes it to the "Safe" Sweets List" its main purpose is to help kill that sweet tooth.  It will be safer than a whole row of Oreo cookies, brownies, or chocolate chip cookies, or whatever you might be craving for that day.  And, it will be filling and satisfying.  I believe the Strawberry Cheesecake Smoothie meets that criteria.


Stay healthy & strong,
Chris :)

Monday, February 1, 2016

I am very wimpy when it comes to spicy flavor.  I can detect the most minute bit of heat and it will cause me to chug down my glass of water while, in between chugs, I turn to my companions and ask, "Oh, man. Is this spicy?  Oh, this is way spicy.  My tongue is burning.  Oh, man, now my lips are burning.  Is this too spicy for you, too?"   The typical response is puzzled looks on faces and shaking heads and sometimes laughter.  That is one of the reasons I enjoy making and having control over the extent of heat in a dish. 

Buttah Chicken
If you like the flavor of India, you will like this dish. This is a CROCKPOT FRIENDLY meal and the flavors blend very well together.  The garam masala is the wonderful star of this show and I make extra to store away for future use.
Buttah Chicken & The Shrinker
The Shrinker
This has potential to be a spicy drink.  You wouldn't think 1 - 2 pinches of cayenne could do much damage, but, be forewarned.  If you are wimpy, like me, less than one pinch should serve its purpose.  If you love kick, go for it!

This is THMs most popular beverage to help people lose weight.  THMs claim this drink has thermogenic-boosting ingredients.  It is intended to be sipped throughout the day to help resist unnecessary snacking.   I have to admit, the wonderful mix of oolong tea, cashew milk, and other flavors (like cinnamon and cayenne) make this a nice "go to" sipper for in-between meals. 

Yes, to both!  The Buttah Chicken is wonderful, yummy, and delicious!  The Shrinker is helping to add variety to my beverages and is so satisfying you won't be thinking of snacking on something unhealthy.

Stay healthy and strong!
Chris :)