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Friday, January 29, 2016


Wicked implies awesome in this case!  Pearl, one of the THM moms, so named this dish based on the reaction she consistently receives from her kids when she makes it.

In case I haven't mentioned, I have a home of a couple picky eaters.  One of them really enjoyed this dish and the other balked at the sight of tomatoes.  You see, any indication of tomatoes is enough for that picky eater to deem a dish unworthy to touch the tongue (even though the tomatoes can easily be pushed off to the side).

Wicked White Chili

This is a CROCKPOT FRIENDLY recipe.  When you approach your crockpot after 5-6 hours you will arrive to a beautiful-looking, aromatic, chicken-tender, white chili.  Because you are away from this dish for so long as it cooks, you might, for a moment, feel as if you have your own personal chef, even though you are probably the chef responsible for all the prep work.

I love this recipe!  Easy to make and enough to feed more than your family!  I thought it needed more seasoning, but, left as is, to let everyone use salt and pepper to their own liking.

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)