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Friday, January 22, 2016

Cake for dinner.  Such a good idea.  Since I have an incredibly sweet tooth, I love the idea of "cake for dinner."  Is it possible to have my cake and eat it, too?

How can I explain this one without giving too much away?  I don't think I can.  So next time you are browsing through a bookstore, look for this recipe (EAT UP and SLIM DOWN version on pg. 311).  The ingredients are the most interesting to say the least.

While I would like to say, "I loved it!"  I can't, and that makes me very sad.  This is probably a good alternative for a lot of people trying to lose weight.  This isn't bad, and it certainly is healthy, but it's not something I would take the time to make again.

The THMs do recommend serving with their version of "Tummy Tucking Ice Cream" on page 363 in their book.   My hubby found some whip cream and he felt that did the trick.

I think I'm in a battle with myself with regards to "the best sweetener."  Some have calories.  Some don't.  Some have an aftertaste and others don't.  This is my personal biggest issue when it comes to me and my sweet tooth.  THMs rely on stevia extract and/or their personal blend of sweeteners which just don't taste natural to me. 

I would like to have a dialogue with anyone willing who may have tried this recipe and share their personal thoughts.  Also, if you live in my neighborhood and would be willing to be a guinea pig, please comment below and I will deliver a piece to your home.  The only obligation would to allow me to share your opinion on the subject of "Cake for Dinner."

I would rather save the time and chop up an apple, bake it in the oven, and sprinkle it with cinnamon.  Sorry sweet-tooth comrades.

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)


  1. I was bummed, too. Used nine eggs for this one! Cake for dinner. Too good to be true? LOL!
