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Wednesday, January 27, 2016


We are fortunate enough to have many hills throughout our neighborhood so children, snow, and sledding is a winter celebration right in my own backyard every year.  So, as you can imagine, hot chocolate has a very important place in my home.  It is not a negotiable area in our life.

Our hot cocoa is prepared in a very large pot so as to have enough to share with other sledding companions.  The perfect pot consists of a wonderful blend of Hershey baking cocoa, sugar, milk, and a hint of vanilla extract (you can find the exact recipe on the container of Hershey Cocoa).  My pantry is also stocked with a variety of sprinkles, mostly because the homemade whip cream would not be complete without the festive dash of colors.

As you would probably suspect, anything called "Hot Chocolate Trimmy" is going to cause my eyes to roll behind my head.  I'm sorry.  I know that's rude.  And, I'm starting to sound like a food snob.  But, I am willing to try anything for health's sake (not really, but I felt slightly obligated to say that).  :)

"Hot Chocolate Trimmy"
My first sip of  "Hot Chocolate Trimmy" tasted very much like what I anticipated when you're using water as the main ingredient.  A "watered down" version of hot cocoa.  It wasn't my hot-cocoa good (or, rather, Hershey's), but it was actually pretty good.  I just couldn't accept it as hot cocoa.

So, I had my daughter try it without sharing my own personal feelings with her.  Knowing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I knew I could trust her opinion.

Her first was response was, "It tastes like tea."  That's it! I couldn't put my finger on it, but she is right.  It's more reminisce of a tea than a hot cocoa.

 I like tea and I especially like the idea of this "Hot Chocolate Trimmy" as a tea.  So, I will probably call it, "Hot Chocolate Tea" when I make it in the future.  I'm hoping "Cuddle Family Hot Chocolate" on page 435 might be a version more reflective of my version of hot cocoa I enjoy with my family.

Stay healthy and strong!
Chris :)

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