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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Meet Foxy J

Foxy Girlfriends
I have a group of girlfriends that are like sisters to me and oftentimes you will hear me make reference to one of my "foxy friends."

Many have asked about the "foxy" reference in the past so I will share the story with you.

I met a group of girl's at Fox College (at the time located in Oak Lawn, IL). We just really hit it off and something "clicked" as some would say. We did everything together. Not always as a group. It's hard to get five girls together all the time. Back then, getting together happened more often then not and we had F-U-N.

My most memorable moment was when one of the classmates from Fox College knew some guys that had a very large boat and for a small price would be willing to take a large group of girls from Fox College out on Lake Michigan for an evening of partying (these guys obviously knew a good thing when they saw it).  Being the ever cautious individual that I have a tendency of being, I spent most of my evening wondering if the large waves during the storm was going to bring me to my death.  Somehow I still managed to have a lot of fun and I am sure it was because I was with my Foxy girlfriends.

So, that is how we got the nickname "foxy girls" That name has evolved. When we were having children we would call ourselves "Foxy Mamas." When I tell the story of how we got our nickname I usually like to teasingly add, "The fact that we all are foxy is purely coincidental."

This was a very fun recipe to do because I had one of my Foxy Girlfriends, Jessalyn, and her Fox Kids helping me taste test!

Salmon Patties:
As a person that struggles very severely with anemia (I will share more on that in future posts), I think I may start calling these "iron patties."  The THM shared in their book that their children like to call these "Crabby Patties" making reference to the Sponge Bob cartoon (even though they are made with salmon).

These started a little rough, but fortunately by the time we got through the middle of our batch we were really starting to get the hang of putting them together and knowing how long to let them cook.  We were very worried in the beginning. They just weren't working out and falling apart, which is good for Dobby, her cat, since we determined he would get the mistakes.

What started out feeling like was going to be a failure taste test, ended up receiving four thumbs up from Jessalyn's family and I find myself craving these patties as I type.  These are actually a very quick meal once you know how to make them and the coconut oil you cook them in adds a very nice flavor to these patties.

1.   Be sure when drain the tuna you drain to the best of your ability, and even then you will have to push some liquid out with your hands when forming balls.

2. Form a tablespoon ball in your hand and then give a small gentle press. Doesn't have to be very flat.

3. Use the full 3 tablespoons of THM Baking Blend or use my version of the baking blend that was posted for Mama's Famous Meatloaf on 1/11/2015.

Stay healthy & strong,
Chris :)

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