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Friday, January 29, 2016


Wicked implies awesome in this case!  Pearl, one of the THM moms, so named this dish based on the reaction she consistently receives from her kids when she makes it.

In case I haven't mentioned, I have a home of a couple picky eaters.  One of them really enjoyed this dish and the other balked at the sight of tomatoes.  You see, any indication of tomatoes is enough for that picky eater to deem a dish unworthy to touch the tongue (even though the tomatoes can easily be pushed off to the side).

Wicked White Chili

This is a CROCKPOT FRIENDLY recipe.  When you approach your crockpot after 5-6 hours you will arrive to a beautiful-looking, aromatic, chicken-tender, white chili.  Because you are away from this dish for so long as it cooks, you might, for a moment, feel as if you have your own personal chef, even though you are probably the chef responsible for all the prep work.

I love this recipe!  Easy to make and enough to feed more than your family!  I thought it needed more seasoning, but, left as is, to let everyone use salt and pepper to their own liking.

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


We are fortunate enough to have many hills throughout our neighborhood so children, snow, and sledding is a winter celebration right in my own backyard every year.  So, as you can imagine, hot chocolate has a very important place in my home.  It is not a negotiable area in our life.

Our hot cocoa is prepared in a very large pot so as to have enough to share with other sledding companions.  The perfect pot consists of a wonderful blend of Hershey baking cocoa, sugar, milk, and a hint of vanilla extract (you can find the exact recipe on the container of Hershey Cocoa).  My pantry is also stocked with a variety of sprinkles, mostly because the homemade whip cream would not be complete without the festive dash of colors.

As you would probably suspect, anything called "Hot Chocolate Trimmy" is going to cause my eyes to roll behind my head.  I'm sorry.  I know that's rude.  And, I'm starting to sound like a food snob.  But, I am willing to try anything for health's sake (not really, but I felt slightly obligated to say that).  :)

"Hot Chocolate Trimmy"
My first sip of  "Hot Chocolate Trimmy" tasted very much like what I anticipated when you're using water as the main ingredient.  A "watered down" version of hot cocoa.  It wasn't my hot-cocoa good (or, rather, Hershey's), but it was actually pretty good.  I just couldn't accept it as hot cocoa.

So, I had my daughter try it without sharing my own personal feelings with her.  Knowing the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I knew I could trust her opinion.

Her first was response was, "It tastes like tea."  That's it! I couldn't put my finger on it, but she is right.  It's more reminisce of a tea than a hot cocoa.

 I like tea and I especially like the idea of this "Hot Chocolate Trimmy" as a tea.  So, I will probably call it, "Hot Chocolate Tea" when I make it in the future.  I'm hoping "Cuddle Family Hot Chocolate" on page 435 might be a version more reflective of my version of hot cocoa I enjoy with my family.

Stay healthy and strong!
Chris :)

Monday, January 25, 2016

This is a lighter version of coleslaw and a sneaky way to disguise apple cider vinegar into your diet.  I enjoyed this alongside the absolutely delicious "Wipe Your Mouth BBQ" but my family was quicker to chow down the BBQ than I was to take a photo! 

I will be making this again to reap the benefits of apple cider vinegar.  The only thing I would like to say about this recipe is to start with a smaller portion of apple cider vinegar and add to taste since the vinegar was just a little bit too strong for my taste.

Stay Healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Cake for dinner.  Such a good idea.  Since I have an incredibly sweet tooth, I love the idea of "cake for dinner."  Is it possible to have my cake and eat it, too?

How can I explain this one without giving too much away?  I don't think I can.  So next time you are browsing through a bookstore, look for this recipe (EAT UP and SLIM DOWN version on pg. 311).  The ingredients are the most interesting to say the least.

While I would like to say, "I loved it!"  I can't, and that makes me very sad.  This is probably a good alternative for a lot of people trying to lose weight.  This isn't bad, and it certainly is healthy, but it's not something I would take the time to make again.

The THMs do recommend serving with their version of "Tummy Tucking Ice Cream" on page 363 in their book.   My hubby found some whip cream and he felt that did the trick.

I think I'm in a battle with myself with regards to "the best sweetener."  Some have calories.  Some don't.  Some have an aftertaste and others don't.  This is my personal biggest issue when it comes to me and my sweet tooth.  THMs rely on stevia extract and/or their personal blend of sweeteners which just don't taste natural to me. 

I would like to have a dialogue with anyone willing who may have tried this recipe and share their personal thoughts.  Also, if you live in my neighborhood and would be willing to be a guinea pig, please comment below and I will deliver a piece to your home.  The only obligation would to allow me to share your opinion on the subject of "Cake for Dinner."

I would rather save the time and chop up an apple, bake it in the oven, and sprinkle it with cinnamon.  Sorry sweet-tooth comrades.

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

SWISS BREAD & SWISS LOAF (pg. 196 & 198)

Hi, Everyone!  I had technical problems yesterday so I'm keeping it short today.

My family enjoys bread, but we probably don't enjoy bread to the same degree as a lot of families.  We enjoy it when it is served, but bread doesn't disappear very quickly in my home.  This tasty bread is no exception.  Everyone really did enjoy this bread, however, I still have some after a few days sitting on the counter.  I will probably slice it up today and see how well it freezes to pull out at a later occasion.

I enjoyed the "Swiss Bread" as a biscuit much more than the loaf and will probably make the muffins again in the future by quadrupling the recipe as the THMs recommend.  I did fill the empty muffin spots with water and that definitely made a nice difference in the texture of this bread.

Very tasty and healthy version of bread.  If you are addicted to bread, you need to try some of this.  I will definitely be making the muffins again!

Stay healthy & strong!
Chris :)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Cookbook Benefits

Swedish Meatballs is a MUST to make for your family especially if they already like meatball meals.  My family GOBBLED it up!  I actually felt guilty eating this and then when I realized how healthy it was, I snapped out of it!  Will be making again, and again, and again.

What I like about this cookbook
Before THM, I have made intentional purchases of products that I have read that have some positive health benefits if incorporated into your diet.  For example, flaxseed.  I have purchased a bag of flaxseed with the intention of incorporating it into my diet and either forget about it or have just not been confident in my own ability to use it correctly.  My flaxseed pouch had been sitting in my pantry for quite awhile.  That has changed, however, since I am almost running out.

Moving forward, I just want to emphasis that many recipes can be made with no special ingredients (those recipes are indicated with initials "NSI").

With that being said, for the purpose of the blog and my own experimenting, I have purchased a few of their products from Trim Healthy Mama website and picked up the rest at a health store.  Please make reference to my very first blog, "Getting Started" dated January 6 for my personal grocery list which includes photos of my special purchases (My list is saving me from taking many trips to the grocery store). Some of the items you can even find at your local Wal-Mart, but since I was already at the health food store I picked up everything possible at that location to save time from running around.

The reason this cookbook, in particular caught my attention, is the sisters, Pearl and Serene have incorporated some really beneficial ingredients into their cooking.  For example, this recipe calls for THM product, Gluccie, from their website, and nutritional yeast, which can be found in health food store.

Gluccie is actually a nickname the THMs give glucomannan, which, according to their book is a natural thickener that won't add calories or carbs.  It is used to thicken gravies or soups.  I usually use flour as a thickener which adds both.  According to their book, it also helps regulate blood sugar and alkalize the body particularly if you are trying to lose weight. I like the sound of that!

Nutritional yeast is one I have never heard of and at first I thought it was more like baking yeast that you would use for the rising process in bread making.  It is actually an inactive dry yeast that can be sprinkled on practically everything you eat.  I taste all ingredients in their raw form before using and this one tasted exactly the way THMs said it would.  It has a nutty, cheesy flavor, which makes it perfect over popcorn (yes, I tried it).  It is one of those condiments you don't have to run out and buy, but it definitely is worth considering at some point in time.  I am finding myself putting it on everything.

Need I say more?

Stay healthy & strong,
Chris :)

Friday, January 15, 2016

Meet Kelly

I have a Chicagoland friend that I have known since I was a teenager.  We both grew up in south suburban, Lansing, IL.

Just a couple weeks ago she was facebook sharing her first-time efforts of making a turkey she received as a gift from her parents for Christmas.  We were corresponding back and forth as she completed her turkey. Starting out, she seemed a bit nervous, but in typical Chicagoan style it didn't take long for her to start getting a little "cocky" at her achievements.

So, when I approached this chicken recipe, my friend, Kelly came to mind.  I'm just going to let the photos speak for themselves.
I love making recipes like this because it has potential to be top-quality meal and a major time and money saver.  If you're going to make one, why wouldn't you take the time to make a couple more?  This is the meal you go to when you have a "pajama day" or a day where you just don't plan on leaving the home for a couple of hours.  A closet can be organized by the time your meal is done or you might want to pop in your favorite rom-com while it's cooking.  It's the perfect weekend meal for working moms, also, because it will provide for other meals throughout the week when there isn't much time to cook.  And, it's quite impressive to look at.  The family will think you've been in the kitchen all day. Shhhhh!  They don't need to know how easy this is.   It's between you and me.

Super Prepared Roasted Chicken
Super Prepared Roasted Chicken
For the most part it is effortless, but goes a long way.  Rub the seasoning on it and pop it in the oven for a couple of hours and  your meal is done.  The most time-consuming part is the cutting of the meat and even that is minimal.  Take what you want for immediate meals and store the rest in serving-size freezer bags to use for soup, salads, or future meals that need cooked chicken.  Save the bones and freeze so you can make a very healthy chicken broth for soups at a later time.

How can you go wrong? Delicious. Save the juices to make best-tasting gravy.

By the way, Kelly, awesome job on the turkey! Next time, though, make sure I'm there, too! :)

Stay healthy & strong,
Chris :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Meet Foxy J

Foxy Girlfriends
I have a group of girlfriends that are like sisters to me and oftentimes you will hear me make reference to one of my "foxy friends."

Many have asked about the "foxy" reference in the past so I will share the story with you.

I met a group of girl's at Fox College (at the time located in Oak Lawn, IL). We just really hit it off and something "clicked" as some would say. We did everything together. Not always as a group. It's hard to get five girls together all the time. Back then, getting together happened more often then not and we had F-U-N.

My most memorable moment was when one of the classmates from Fox College knew some guys that had a very large boat and for a small price would be willing to take a large group of girls from Fox College out on Lake Michigan for an evening of partying (these guys obviously knew a good thing when they saw it).  Being the ever cautious individual that I have a tendency of being, I spent most of my evening wondering if the large waves during the storm was going to bring me to my death.  Somehow I still managed to have a lot of fun and I am sure it was because I was with my Foxy girlfriends.

So, that is how we got the nickname "foxy girls" That name has evolved. When we were having children we would call ourselves "Foxy Mamas." When I tell the story of how we got our nickname I usually like to teasingly add, "The fact that we all are foxy is purely coincidental."

This was a very fun recipe to do because I had one of my Foxy Girlfriends, Jessalyn, and her Fox Kids helping me taste test!

Salmon Patties:
As a person that struggles very severely with anemia (I will share more on that in future posts), I think I may start calling these "iron patties."  The THM shared in their book that their children like to call these "Crabby Patties" making reference to the Sponge Bob cartoon (even though they are made with salmon).

These started a little rough, but fortunately by the time we got through the middle of our batch we were really starting to get the hang of putting them together and knowing how long to let them cook.  We were very worried in the beginning. They just weren't working out and falling apart, which is good for Dobby, her cat, since we determined he would get the mistakes.

What started out feeling like was going to be a failure taste test, ended up receiving four thumbs up from Jessalyn's family and I find myself craving these patties as I type.  These are actually a very quick meal once you know how to make them and the coconut oil you cook them in adds a very nice flavor to these patties.

1.   Be sure when drain the tuna you drain to the best of your ability, and even then you will have to push some liquid out with your hands when forming balls.

2. Form a tablespoon ball in your hand and then give a small gentle press. Doesn't have to be very flat.

3. Use the full 3 tablespoons of THM Baking Blend or use my version of the baking blend that was posted for Mama's Famous Meatloaf on 1/11/2015.

Stay healthy & strong,
Chris :)

Monday, January 11, 2016


So, this is my first meal attempt from "Trim healthy Mama Cookbook, EAT UP and SLIM DOWN." I am preparing for a family of picky eaters so this should be very interesting.  It has to be good in order to help warm my family up to future Trim Healthy Mama (THM) meals.

I made the meatloaf with the Trim Healthy Ketchup. It doesn't take long to make the ketchup and you avoid some of the sugar in the store-bought ketchup.  I used my own version of the Baking Blend (1/2 cup flaxseed, 1/2 cup coconut flour, 1/4 cup almond flour). This turned out good and my family enjoyed this as a meal.  My version of the ketchup looked and appeared different than the photograph in the book so I feel I may have overlooked something even thought I took care to follow the recipe carefully.

Mashed Fotatoes:
I wasn't too concerned about the meatloaf part. It's the "fotatoes" part I was worried about.  Essentially, it is "mashed cauliflower" filling in for "mashed potatoes."  When I approached this recipe I found myself wanting to debate reasons for not calling it what it really is.  Why the deception? Calling it "mashed fotatoes" instead of  "mashed cauliflower?"  It didn't take me very long to realize it's a losing debate. "Mashed Cauliflower" just doesn't have the same appeal as "Mashed Fotatoes." So Mashed Fotatoes it is.

While my family went into this meal knowing that they weren't eating actual mashed potatoes, they did comment it was o.k. as they worked to discern what they were eating.  My hubby correctly guessed cauliflower.

I will be making "Mama's Famous Meatloaf" again, but the next time I make Mama's Meatloaf I will be serving it with a slightly improvised version of mashed cauliflower, er, uh, I mean fotatoes (I will try to thicken and add more flavor to it) or try making the THM Sweet Potato Fries.

Stay healthy & strong!
Chris :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Getting Started on Trim Healthy Mama

I am cooking my way through "Trim Mama."

Think like the movie, "Julie & Julia" without the Julie and without the Julia part.  With much smaller amounts of butter, also. I do love butter.  The setting doesn't take place in New York or France, either.  And, all the "chefs" involved are still living. This isn't even close to French cooking.  Ok, so maybe not so much Julie and Julia.

You may or may not be familiar with Trim Healthy Mamas. I am becoming more familiar with these gals myself.  I am using their second book, Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook, Eat Up and Slim Down.

If you have heard about their book and are curious about the recipes, I will be sharing my experience with you.  I have been perusing the pages from the book for about a month after a friend piqued my curiosity and I feel ready to begin cooking up the recipes.  And, eating them!  And, sharing them!

I think getting started was the most time consuming part for me. I have chosen mostly "S" recipes which are rated as so for being "satisfying" so I hope that will translate into feeling full. My family and I like to eat and feel full afterwards.

I am not necessarily following the recipes for weight loss (although, admittedly, that would be a wonderful side effect).  I am just looking for ways to eat healthier and not miss out on good-tasting food. We will see if Trim Healthy Mamas meet my very simple criteria.  It's my experiment for myself with the hopes of sharing my results and opinions with you.

I have included the name of the meals, the shopping list for those meals, and any special purchases I made at the Trim Healthy Mama website.

I will share photos and opinions of the meals or any revisions I've made to recipes, so if you would like a review of a particular meal from the book please let me know and I'll give it a whirl!

Look for a new posting 2-3 times a week. :)

Stay healthy & strong!
Chris :)

Trim MaMa(TMM), Getting Started – The First Few Months

The Recipes I chose from “Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook, Eat Up & Slim Down:

   1. Wicked White Chili, pg. 37

2. Rich & Tender Stew, pg. 38

3. Wipe Your Mouth BBQ, pg. 43

4. Buttah Chicken, pg. 49

5. Slow Fajitas, pg. 53

6. Swedish Meatballs in Cream Sauce, pg. 61

7. Slim Sloppy Joes, pg. 63

8. Orange Chicken, pg. 72

9. Trim Zuppa Tuscanna, pg. 86

10. Tomato Chicken Bisque, pg. 93

11. Popeye's Power Soup, pg. 104

12. Curry in a Hurry Soup, pg. 112

13. Just Like Campbell's Tomato Soup, pg.112

14. Wise Shepherd's Pie, pg 134

15. Chicken Pot Pie, pg. 137

16. Lazy Lasagna, pg. 140

17. Enchilada Wonder Casserole, pg. 145

18. Mama's Famous Meatloaf, pg. 157

19. Super Prepared Roasted chicken, pg. 168

20. Super Salmon Patties, pg. 177


Seasonings(most of these should already be in your pantry):

onion powder                                                  prepared mustard

mineral salt                                                     pepper

soy sauce                                                         cloves

cayenne pepper                                                rice vinegar

chili powder                                                    red pepper flakes

garlic powder                                                  toasted sesame oil

ground cumin                                                  MSG-free seasoning salt

dried oregano                                                   orange extract

apple cider vinegar                                           Worcestershire sauce

paprika                                                               curry powder

liquid smoke                                                      hot sauce

dried parsley                                                      turmeric

dried rosemary                                                   dried sage

dried thyme                                                        coriander

tahini                                                                  nutmeg

cardamom                                                         Italian Seasonings

agar powder(not flakes)??                                garam masala for Buttah chicken (recipe at end of list)


Canned Food

1 28oz. Crushed tomatoes petite-diced tomatoes (stock pantry with a mix of 14 1/2oz & 24 1/2oz.)

4 15oz. Great northern beans                         tomato paste (2 6oz. Cans)

3 ½ qts. Chicken broth                                   2 10oz cans Rotel-style tomatoes & chilies(heat you like)

2 cups beef broth                                            1 18oz tomato sauce

pineapple chunks                                            1 8oz. Tomato sauce

3 15oz. Cans wild pink salmon


extra-virgin coconut oil spray (& bottle)**      salsa

Real Bacon crumbs (optional)                           2 12oz. Jars no-sugar-added pizza or spaghetti sauce*

Lemon Juice                                                      Ketchup

2 TBL. Minced pickled jalapeno (optional)     aluminum-free baking powder

nutritional yeast **                                           Stevia& stevia extract**

full-fat coconut milk                                         unsweetened cashew milk

blackstrap molasses**                                       golden flaxseed meal

coconut flour                                                     almond flour

oat flour                                                             sunflower lecithin**

unflavored gelatin

Beef & Chicken

2 lbs. Ground sausage meat (ex. Chorizo)

12 lbs. Ground beef (can change a couple lbs. to turkey if you like)

5 lbs. Boneless chicken thighs

5 lbs. Skinless chicken breasts

3 whole and thawed chickens

drained boneless beef or boneless chicken cut into strips

3 lbs. Beef for stew

2 ½ lbs. Ground Italian-style sausage


butter (2-3 pkgs.)                                       1 14oz. Container 1% cottage cheese

Lrg.. Plain Greek 0% yogurt                      8 oz. Part-skim mozzarella cheese

eggs (2 dz.)                                                 8 oz. Sharp cheddar cheese

egg whites (I am using from eggs)             grated pecorino Romano or finely grated parmesan cheese(dairy-free mamas)

grated parmesan cheese                              8 oz. button mushrooms(replace with another vegi if you would like)
8oz. Pack ½ less fat cream cheese


peas                                                                3 cups frozen corn

16oz. Or more cauliflower                             6 cups or more frozen okra

1 52oz.. Package frozen chopped spinach     Seasoning Blend (onion, celery, green pepper at Walmart)


onions (bag)                                                     2 lrg. Bell peppers (any color you like)

minced garlic                                                   lrg. Bag of celery (at least 15 stalks)\

1 16oz. Radishes                                              3 lrg. green bell peppers

fresh grated ginger                                           green onions

green cabbage or packaged coleslaw mix        lrg carrot

6 cups fresh kale or spinach                             bag of lemons

Special recipes that need additional attention are included already in the shopping list:

1 batch Fotatoes, pg. 219(shepherd's pie) 1 Tbl. Trim bouillon mix, pg. 49 (chicken pot-pie)

8oz. Hello Cheese, pg. 487(enchilada wonder) Wonder Wraps, pg. 204 (enchilada wonder)

Trim healthy Ketchup, pg. 482(mama's famous meatloaf)

Special Order from Trim Mama website if you want added health benefits (I bolded all the ones I purchased for this list):

Gluccie, $18.99(recipe #2, 6, 8, 15, 17, 18)

Super Sweet Blend, $9.99 16oz.(recipe #7, 8, 12, 13, 15, and trim bouillon mix, pg. 491, for chicken pot pie #10)

Integral Collagen, 16.99 16oz.(recipe #12)

Trim Healthy Baking Blend (making my own version using flaxseed meal, coconut flour, almond flour, oat flour)

(recipe #6,8,15,18)

Just Gelatin(recipe #10)

MCT oil(recipe #11,12,17)**

2 tsp. Whole-husk psyllium (recipe #17 – the Wonder Wraps for enchiladas)**
Trim Mama products from their website.


Garam Masala (for Buttah Chicken recipe) from

1 TBL. ground cumin                             ½ tsp. ground cloves

1 ½ tsp. ground coriander                     ½ tsp. ground nutmeg

1 ½ tsp. ground cardamom                   1 ½ tsp. ground pepper

1 ½ tsp. ground cinnamon
Mix all ingredients together and store in airtight container.

This is so aromatic! Something that smells this good will make anything taste delicious!



* Walmart's Great Value Pizza Sauce as recommended by TMM.
    ** Can purchase at health food store (Vitamin Shoppe).

OPTIONAL INGREDIENTS FOR SIDES – add them to grocery list if you want to include them with your meals:

Swiss Bread Recipe, pg. 476 x3 (recipe #1 as blendtons, and #3, #7)

1 cup TMM baking blend (or your own version)

Super Sweet Blend

Coconut Oil Spray

Light& Lovely Coleslaw, pg. 231 x2 (recipe #3 and #7)

4-5 cups shredded cabbage

2 med. Carrots

Dijon mustard

white wine vinegar

EVOO (extra-virgin olive oil)

Cauli Rice, pg. 225 (recipe #4)

1 lrg. head cauliflower

2 16oz. Bags frozen cauliflower florets


Wasa crackers(#11)

brown rice(#5)

refried beans(#5)

spaghetti squash(#6)

angel hair cabbage (#8)

frozen bread sticks (#9), we are C-H-E-A-T-I-N-G!

Frozen peas (#18)

sweet potatoes (#18)

broccoli (#20)

applesauce (#20)