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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Returning April 16

I'm taking a break for the next couple of weeks to rest up from all the cooking and eating !  While I will still be doing both, I want to encourage everyone to be sure to exercise!

I wanted to share the following image that was posted by someone on the THM Beginners Facebook group page.  Share your personal thoughts about the image in the comments.

Stay healthy and strong!
Chris :)

Monday, March 21, 2016


Hi Everyone!

It has been ten days since I have posted about my Trim Healthy Mama endeavors (I try to post at least 2-3 times a week).  Much has happened since my last blog.  Life in general.  But, don't think for one moment that means I have abandoned those Trim Mamas!

I am happy to announce I have a Trim Mama pal within my neighborhood since my last post!  It has been so fun to share plates of flavor with her and watch with delight as she samples recipe after recipe.  As it turns out, the tables have turned and she comes to my house with goodies to try!  Must say, I certainly enjoy being on the receiving end of THM goodies!

I took a glance at my very first post with my list of recipes that I wanted to try and my grocery list to accompany it, and I quickly realized that I only have a few more recipes to try.  When complete, I must decide, do I continue this journey?  Or, embark onto a new one?  I will share my overall thoughts after I complete the remaining recipes I originally committed to completing when I started this journey.

For today, I would like to get back on track by sharing with you a review of the Slow Fajitas.  It is recommended to serve this over lettuce and to add cheese and tomatoes.  However, since I am always trying to increase my iron intake due to being susceptible to anemia, I served it over refried beans (LaPreferada Authentic has 20% iron per 1/2 cup serving).  Slow cooking the meat results in a tender meat, and the red and yellow peppers have a nice subtle flavor when combined with cumin, onions, chili powder, and garlic.  How could your taste buds not say, "Yes?" 
Slow Fajitas
The THMs do warn that this dish makes a lot of excess liquid and recommend using a slotted spoon as you serve as to avoid too much liquid on your plate.  The best part about that liquid, in my opinion, is it is perfect accompaniment to use over the Fotatoes (post 1/11/16) or any other dish that tastes especially good with gravy.

Fajita night!  Whatever you do, don't let that extra liquid go to waste! Enjoy it somewhere else through the week to add extra flavor to another dish!

Stay healthy and strong!
Chris :)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

I have been eating THMs "Eggs & Avs" most mornings.  Avocados with my fried eggs instead of toast has been a happy surprise for me since I love avocados (see 2/9/16 post). I don't know why I never thought of that before.

However, I am finding myself bored at times with the same breakfast day in and day out.  Not to mention, my son doesn't like eggs and I really would like to find something for him to enjoy to start his day off.  He enjoys chocolate just as much as I do, so I thought I would try the chocolate waffles for a change.  All in the name of trying to get my boy to eat healthier.  Sounds like a game plan to me.

I love that the THMs use real cocoa instead of melting chocolate chips for chocolate flavoring.  I use my own baking blend that I have posted before, but am making revisions to since finding out I need to add a little bit more cocoa flour to it.  You can buy a baking blend on Trim Healthy Mama website if you would like to purchase their version of the baking blend rather than depend on mine or have to make your own.

These waffles were a delightful success!  My son enjoyed them enough to make them again, although I think I will make them just a tad bit sweeter to his taste.  But, the chocolate flavor was a nice sweet treat for me with the addition of banana slices on top.

Chocolate Waffles with Strawberries (or bananas)

Syrup (pg. 480)
What about syrup you ask?  Well, the THMs do have a version of syrup!  Did I use it? No.  Will I use it in the future?  Probably not.  Why not, do you ask?  I personally do not eat waffles enough mornings to deprive myself of the very natural syrup that gets tapped from actual Maple trees.

If you haven't ever tried 100% maple syrup I would recommend getting to the nearest Maple Syrup Festival and having yourself some (bearing in mind, it's probably not on plan).  A little bit goes a long way, but it will taste different than the impostors that most people are use to.  I believe it is a healthy natural treat that God desires to bless us with.  Why would I deprive my loving God from giving me a wonderful taste of heaven?  In case you can't get to a Maple Syrup festival, here's a little video you might enjoy watching:  Maple Syrup Process

However, since most store-bought syrups are completely artificial (it might have 3% actual maple syrup and the rest is all sugar) you might like to have this version of  syrup.

Chocolate tastes good with everything.  If I can have it, I will.  Top them with your favorite fruit.

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :) 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Comfort food.  I think we all have a favorite comfort food that makes us feel real good inside. 

Chicken pot pie is one of those comfort foods for me.  Usually, it's an occasional treat courtesy of Marie Callender from the frozen section of my local grocery store.  But, I always look forward to having one sitting in front of me as I gently pull the crust back a little with my fork to let the steam escape.

Would the Thin Healthy Mamas' (THMs') version of pot pie bring me the level of comfort I was looking forward to?  Let me just say, they know their way to my heart!  This was absolutely delish! My hubby actually said that this is probably the best dish I have made yet.

Chicken Pot Pie
I used my own homemade chicken broth and roasted chicken (January 13 post) that I froze from prior recipes, and I believe that really took this recipe up a notch (read about stocks and broths from my February 20 post).  However, I wouldn't hesitate to use canned chicken or store-bought broth if that's what I had on hand.  The vegetables are sautéed in butter and seasoned with salt, pepper, and, my favorite, thyme.

I have been fine-tuning my personal version of the baking blend and it still needs to be fine-tuned just a bit more.  I am finding that my baking blend needs just a bit more of the coconut flour.  So, I adjusted it for this recipe adding just enough coconut flour that it adds a subtle sweet flavor without the coconut taste.

A comfort food I finally can splurge in without feeling guilty and better than any pot pie I have every had! 

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Monday, February 29, 2016

This dish is called "Curry in a Hurry," but I enjoyed it so much that I would call it, "Hurry with the Curry."

If you are a curry lover, try this for your next meal.  Some people just don't like curry and I can't fathom how they could not since I have a tendency to crave the stuff.

I followed the recipe exactly as is, except for adding frozen chicken that I had from when I made roasted chickens (pg. 168).  It was delicious!  It is a quick one so it makes for a good "go-to" recipe to make when you are crunched for time.
Curry in a Hurry
If you have any chicken broth left from the roasted chicken meal, it would be very beneficial to replace the water with broth to add a little more depth to the flavor that water doesn't provide.

If you follow the symbols in the book this is an "S" meal which means it is satisfying.  Today was a full day of THM eating to make up for many splurges from the weekend (my dad-in-law turned       72 -- Happy Birthday, Dad!).

Yes, this is going to be a regular meal for me!  Quick, healthy, and flavorful.  Why would anyone ever want to eat canned soup?   Hurry with the curry, please!

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)


Thursday, February 25, 2016


Wonder Wraps
I didn't feel like cooking yesterday, so I thought I would get the wonder wraps made in advance to save time on my meal the following day.  Little did I know I was getting myself into a major project.  It wasn't going to be a breeze like I thought.

I'm going to say at the start, be sure to use a non-stick pan.  I started with a cast iron, moved on to stainless steel, and ended up with my non-stick pan.  I used coconut spray for each one, including the non-stick pan.

Wonder Wraps

The THMs recommended watching their video online for instructions, but I couldn't find it.  But,  you can watch Indigo Nili's Review at youtube for an extra dose of encouragement and instruction (I almost gave up, but if she can do it, I can too!).  While you're on youtube, make sure you peruse through the wealth of videos others have made with regards to THM.  It is very helpful and interesting.

Ingredients for Wonder Wraps

I eventually finished my wraps and put them in the fridge for my meal the next day.

Enchilada Wonder
I found this meal was actually easy to put together as long as the wraps are done ahead of time.  If you don't want to make wraps you certainly can use "on-plan" tortilla shells.  And, it turns out, it is tasty.

Enchilada Wonder

This meal turned out good despite the learning curve to making the wonder wraps.  I will make the wraps again since I now know how to make them and, I suspect, it will be much more easier and quicker.

It is recommended in the book to make the family-size version at the beginning of the week to use wraps with fillings such as avocados with tomatoes, meat, or other favorite fillings.

If I don't have time to make wraps that won't stop me from making the casserole with store-bought tortillas.  It is a worthwhile Mexican dish.

If you want to make the wraps, please plan on experimenting on a day where there is no pressure, you're not tired, and you are looking forward to spending a little extra time in the kitchen. 

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Good Girl Moonshine, Pumpkin Pie Sip, Earth Milk Sip
I am quickly finding out that the all-day sippers are those go-to drinks that help keep your palette happy through the day and helps prevent grazing on snacks.  There are enough sippers to choose from to satisfy your own personal needs or if you're simply looking for a sipper that reflects the current season that you are enjoying.

I shared with a neighbor friend the "Shrinker," "Good Girl Moonshine," "Pumpkin Pie Sip," and the "Earth Milk Sip."  No two sippers will ever be the same.  These truly need to be adjusted to your own likes and needs and that is what the THMs mean by "owning it."  There are so many versions of each of these sippers.  Part of the fun among fellow Mamas is to share their own favorite version.

In a couple of my previous posts (on February 1 and 16) I shared my first experience with a sipper that is still one of my favorite all-day sippers and popular among fellow Mamas called the "Shrinker." I noticed immediately my sense of wanting to snack had changed and subsided a bit while sipping on this.  When I started to read more about the sippers I began to realize that was it's intended purpose to begin with.  Mission accomplished THMs!

Clockwise from top: Earth Milk Sip, Good Girl Moonshine, Pumpkin Sipper, and Shrinker
Another very popular sipper that you will hear about often is the "Good Girl Moonshine," often abbreviated, GGMS on the support pages for THM.  This sipper is power-packed with turmeric, and certainly does make you want to shout, "Eeee Ahhh!" as THMs suggests it would!

I was looking forward to trying the "Pumpkin Sipper," because even though we are past autumn and experiencing a very mild winter, I just can't miss out on the flavor of pumpkin and was craving it.  And, this sipper actually does have pumpkin in it.  You can sip on it hot or cold and it is a perfect fall/winter sipper.

The most interesting sipper, in my opinion, is the "Earth Milk Sip" which is filled with baby greens mixed with oolong tea and cinnamon.  It does include stevia extract, but I would encourage you to add truvia to taste.  My friend's husband enjoyed this one so much I left a quart jar filled for him.  He insisted that he would be able to finish it that evening.  That's a pretty strong vote for approval.

Be prepared to adjust flavors to "own it."  Made with tasty ingredients that are known to increase thermodynamics and are packed full of flavor, these sippers will be your number one helpful tool to help curb any snack grazing you might want to do.

Be healthy and strong,
Chris :)