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Thursday, March 10, 2016

I have been eating THMs "Eggs & Avs" most mornings.  Avocados with my fried eggs instead of toast has been a happy surprise for me since I love avocados (see 2/9/16 post). I don't know why I never thought of that before.

However, I am finding myself bored at times with the same breakfast day in and day out.  Not to mention, my son doesn't like eggs and I really would like to find something for him to enjoy to start his day off.  He enjoys chocolate just as much as I do, so I thought I would try the chocolate waffles for a change.  All in the name of trying to get my boy to eat healthier.  Sounds like a game plan to me.

I love that the THMs use real cocoa instead of melting chocolate chips for chocolate flavoring.  I use my own baking blend that I have posted before, but am making revisions to since finding out I need to add a little bit more cocoa flour to it.  You can buy a baking blend on Trim Healthy Mama website if you would like to purchase their version of the baking blend rather than depend on mine or have to make your own.

These waffles were a delightful success!  My son enjoyed them enough to make them again, although I think I will make them just a tad bit sweeter to his taste.  But, the chocolate flavor was a nice sweet treat for me with the addition of banana slices on top.

Chocolate Waffles with Strawberries (or bananas)

Syrup (pg. 480)
What about syrup you ask?  Well, the THMs do have a version of syrup!  Did I use it? No.  Will I use it in the future?  Probably not.  Why not, do you ask?  I personally do not eat waffles enough mornings to deprive myself of the very natural syrup that gets tapped from actual Maple trees.

If you haven't ever tried 100% maple syrup I would recommend getting to the nearest Maple Syrup Festival and having yourself some (bearing in mind, it's probably not on plan).  A little bit goes a long way, but it will taste different than the impostors that most people are use to.  I believe it is a healthy natural treat that God desires to bless us with.  Why would I deprive my loving God from giving me a wonderful taste of heaven?  In case you can't get to a Maple Syrup festival, here's a little video you might enjoy watching:  Maple Syrup Process

However, since most store-bought syrups are completely artificial (it might have 3% actual maple syrup and the rest is all sugar) you might like to have this version of  syrup.

Chocolate tastes good with everything.  If I can have it, I will.  Top them with your favorite fruit.

Stay healthy and strong,
Chris :) 


  1. I love natural syrup, also. So, this sounds like a tasty way to start a morning.

    1. I just bought three bottles of the real stuff (one for a friend) from Maple Syrup Festival. It will probably last me a year! :)
